San Diego International Airport | P2S

San Diego International Airport

Central Plant Energy Dashboard

  • Location

    San Diego, CA
  • Size

    5000-ton chilled water plant and 21.3 MMBH heating hot water plant.
  • Market

  • Central plant energy and performance insights, made simple and accessible

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  • Project Overview

    Facility Management in conjunction with the San Diego International Airport Strategic Energy Plan needed a comprehensive yet simple monitoring system to give insight into the operation and energy and water use of the Central Utility Plant (CUP) and identify opportunities to improve its energy efficiency. The solution? A customized central plant energy dashboard that is easy to use and understand, and gives users detailed information. This insight into CUP operations and energy use will help SDIA improve its energy efficiency and monitor plant performance.

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  • Solution

    The Goal of the energy Dashboard is to create transparency into the CUP operation, its energy usage and water usage. Then by applying customized system diagnostics, understand the system performance, improve system performance, minimize energy consumption and reduce resource use. The dashboard energy management platform will allow users to view chilled water system performance and efficiency, as well as current consumption of energy. The dashboard will also allow the viewing and analysis of historical data, which will allow SDIA to compare predicted performance with actual performance. SDIA personnel will monitor and verify efficiency gains made by modifications to the sequence of operation, equipment and systems to make more effective decisions that reduce risk, improve operational efficiency and meet their sustainability goals.

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