Legence Experience | P2S

What is Legence?

Legence is an Energy Transition Accelerator

This means that Legence is a nationwide provider of integrated energy efficiency and sustainability solutions. They’re in the business of transitioning the built environment to operate off low or zero carbon, helping clients decrease operating costs and enhancing occupant well-being and productivity. From advisory services and design to construction and ongoing maintenance, Legence’s comprehensive suite of Stackable Solutions can solve problems for owners across the entire building lifecycle.

Visit Legence Website →

Why Partner with Legence?

P2S and Legence have highly compatible company cultures that pride themselves on innovation, collaboration and professional growth. We also share a mission to transform the built environment through accessible and comprehensive energy-efficiency, sustainability and decarbonization solutions. Our partnership is mutually beneficial, yielding more resources and opportunities for P2S while providing Legence with a more robust design consultancy presence on the West Coast. The benefits extend to clients, with more available project resources and a nationwide network of AEC firms and professionals with deep expertise in net-zero carbon/energy, sustainability, and energy efficiency. Simply put, joining Legence enhances our organization’s value proposition because of its culture, scale, reach and expertise. We’re excited to be able to draw on these resources while continuing to serve clients dutifully.

View Legence Annual Report →
Kevin Peterson, President
Kevin Peterson, President
Kent, Chief Engineer & COO

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