P2S Plumbing Team Awarded with Donald F. Dickerson Memorial… | P2S

P2S Plumbing Team Awarded with Donald F. Dickerson Memorial Trophy

Show-stopping trophy commemorates ASPE founder.

The American Society of Plumbing Engineers (ASPE) is dedicated "to the advancement of the science of plumbing engineering, to the professional growth and advancement of its members and the health, welfare and safety of the public." It began with a meeting of approximately 35 attendees and has since grown to encompass over 6,300 members.

P2S engages with ASPE through monthly meeting attendance and support to both the Los Angeles and Orange County Chapters. Staff members have participated in ASPE's programs for their Certified Plumbing Design (CPD) and Green Plumbing Design credentials. Additionally, P2S was the first engineering firm to be a Gold Level sponsor of ASPE's annual golf tournament - earning us the Donald F. Dickerson Memorial Award, named after the late ASPE founder and very first president. P2S is proud to display the trophy until next year, when we pass it on to the next recipient.

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