ENR 2024 Top 100 Green Design Firms and Contractors | P2S

ENR 2024 Top 100 Green Design Firms and Contractors

P2S is proud to be ranked in Engineering News-Record (ENR)’s Top 100 Green Design Firms and Contractors list. This annual survey takes a firm's revenue from projects registered with third-party green building or sustainable construction ratings organizations. Being recognized for our sustainable practices not only highlights our core values at P2S but also demonstrates our dedication to helping clients achieve their environmental goals while improving building performance.

The article by ENR also focuses on revenue trends, market dynamics, and the challenges to advancing sustainability and decarbonization in construction and design. It examines the industry's progress toward creating environmentally sustainable buildings while addressing barriers such as knowledge gaps, labor shortages, and cost concerns.

Check out the full list and news article. https://www.enr.com/articles/59469-enr-2024-top-100-green-design-firms-and-contractors

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