Connecting Berthing Ships to Shore Power to Minimize Air… | P2S

Kevin Peterson



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The authors are experienced in the design, installation, testing, safety of personnel, and commissioning of shore power projects, “connection/disconnection of ships to shore power during berthing at ports.” Herein, the authors provide their views of some of the issues that may require first-hand input to the industry professionals involved in these types of projects. Technical references and recommendations included in the article should enhance the reader’s knowledge of shore power projects mandated in numerous regions around the world at larger ports to enhance safety of operators, minimize air pollution in the vicinity of ports for health benefits, and produce a cleaner environment for the public.


The objective of this article is to provide a synopsis of changes in the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC)/IEEE 80005-1:2019 [1] to address practical
issues that may be faced at the installation port to comply with the standard. IEC/IEEE Joint Working Group (WG) members from 20 countries under the leadership
and guidance of the convener, put forward a tremendous effort to compose the standard. Many meetings took place for consensus resolutions of the review comments. The authors of this article are IEEE officers and WG members of this standard from the first issue through the present revised version and have knowledge of the history of comments, and their resolution made a great effort to technical changes listed on pages 7 and 8 [1].

The authors provide their views of some of the issues that may require first-hand input to the industry professionals
involved in these types of projects. The word safety has been used in this article, which means safety from electrical current through the human body. Refer to Figure 20 from IEC 60479-1:2010 0 for permissible body current versus duration curve.

This article will first provide some rationale for these changes for industry benefit in general. As we know, every change in a standard is with the consensus of the WG. Then the article will provide some discussion on other safety and technical statements where WG members and some other industry professionals may benefit from the input contained in this article based upon the consensus opinion of this article’s authors. Such an article then can be a source of further improvements in the next revision of this standard

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